We continue to safely serve Austin's cycling community. CDC wastewater testing shows community spread in Texas declining since February 2024, except for a minor wave in March, and another small bump around the solar eclipse. We have re-evaluated our mask policy based on this positive data and masks are now optional for the time being. We still gladly provide free masks, and we ask anyone with symptoms or recovering from a recent illness to please wear a mask in our store.
We have a beloved high-risk family elder, who's a Vietnam Veteran, that we care for at home. Therefore, we continue to adapt our policies as needed based on community spread and CDC guidelines for high risk families like ours. Thank you for understanding and supporting our small local business!
Safety 1st! Fun super close 2nd!!
That's our motto at BIKEALOT.
Now more than ever, safety for ALL comes first & foremost at BIKEALOT.
After all, we can't have fun if we don't stay safe.
Be Safe, Be Well, and Ride On!